
Our botanicals include a number of components which we chose to represent a journey from the coast to the interior: seaspray, saltbush and desert lime. You can taste the herbal notes and the touch of intense tangy citrus, and the overall impression is of a classically harmonious, juniper heavy “London Dry” style gin that works very well in a classic Martini or Gin and tonic.

IWSC Jury comments “Juniper-led character with layered botanical and liquorice notes throughout. The palate is nicely balanced with a touch of sweetness, and flavours are well-integrated”.


Seaspray (also known as Samphire) is a Native Australian Succulent which grows freely on many of Southern Australia’s salty flats. It gives a briny burst of flavour and tang of the sea to our Gin as part of the distilling process. Our Seaspray is sourced from local farmers markets in regional Victoria.


Old Man Saltbush, another key Native Australian Botanical in our gin, grows wild over large areas of the dry inland of Australia. Combined with the Seaspray it gives us salty herbaceous notes contributing to the attractive dry quality of our gin. Prolific in South Eastern Australia we get our Saltbush from sustainably sourced farmers markets around regional Victoria.

Desert Lime & Fresh Lime

Australian Desert Lime is the third key botanical that gives our gin its distinctive aroma and flavour profile. It’s the ace in the pack, balancing out the deep, slightly salty flavour of the Seaspray and Saltbush with a touch of an intense tangy citrus. The Desert Lime is small in size with an intense picquant flavour. Fresh Lime is also included in the maceration process, adding another layer of citrus notes to the distillation.

Classic/London Dry botanicals

Last but by no means the least is the core of our classically harmonious juniper heavy “London Dry’ Style gin. Juniper berries of course - layered with Coriander, Angelica, Orris Root and a few other special ingredients! Over the journey we have sourced Juniper from Italy, Albania and Hungary. It’s the a-Pinene essence in Juniper which imparts a herbal, pine or rosemary flavour to a classic London Dry style gin.